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Technology Committees



The Informational Technology (IT) Department hosts two teams of District staff who help provide classroom insight, training and support on the various software and hardware issues in the district.  The teams are used as liaisons between the IT department and the classroom and for training building staff while computer technicians handle infrastructure, networking, hardware and software installation, and troubleshooting. The teams are the Technology Plan Team and the IXL/Typing Pal Training Team.

The Technology Plan Team will meet as needed in an advisory capacity to inform the development, revisement, and administration of the District's Technology Plan. In addition to the administrative members and other key District leadership, the team is comprised of teachers and support staff who volunteer or are building-appointed. This diverse group is to ensure a well-rounded view of all components of technology and its implementation within the District.

The IXL/Typing Pal Training Team meets on an annual and as-needed basis and support elementary building staff with the implementation of these two programs. The members are appointed by the building-level principal(s) or district office supervisors and superintendents.

Jeff Williams - IT Director, Charlene Ammons - Elem Tech Coach, and Amanda Kohut - Sec Tech Coach

Meeting Frequency:
As needed
Usual Meeting Place:
District Office Building
Meeting Dates and Times: