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Graduation Requirements

Graduation Requirements

The Board shall award a regular high school diploma to every student enrolled in the District who meets the requirements of graduation established by the District. The official transcripts will indicate the specific courses taken and level of achievement.

Minimum requirements for graduation from Great Falls Public Schools shall be twenty-three (23) credits: 

  • Four (4) credits of English - In addition to the previously Board adopted communication arts curriculum, students must demonstrate proficiency in Public Speaking/Communication Skills and Writing each year to earn credit. 
  • Three (3) credits of Social Studies. Two and one half credits (2.5) shall be from the required District curriculum and one half credit (.5) may be an elective Social Studies course. 
  • Three (3) credits of Mathematics, which shall include Algebra 1. 
  • Three (3) credits of Science, which shall include the following:  
  • One (1) credit in Foundation of Science or of an additional science elective upon Demonstration of Equivalent Proficiency in Foundation of Science. 
  • One (1) credit in Biology 
  • One (1) credit in Science Elective 
  • Two (2) credits of Health Enhancement (Health and Physical Education) – (can be taken grades 9-10-1112) One and one half credits (1.5) shall be from the required District curriculum and one half credit (.5) may be an elective Health Enhancement course. 
  • One (1) credit of Career and Vocational/Technical Education (CTE), which shall include (Agriculture, Business, Family and Consumer Science, Industrial Technology, and Medical/Health Occupations.) Courses in Media Production, Graphic Arts/Publications, Stagecraft, and Video Productions may qualify for CTE credit dependent on the state teacher licensure requirements. (Students who elect the Concentration Diploma or Honors Diploma option (below) may substitute one half credit of Financial Tech Skills for this requirement.)
  • One (1) credit of Fine Arts (Art, Drama, Music) One-half (0.5) credit in Financial Tech Skills. 
  • A minimum of five and a one half (5.5) credits of General Electives.  


Differentiated Diploma

Students may choose to pursue one (1) of three (3) diploma options. All of which meet the Montana Board of Public Education minimum requirements for graduation from an accredited High School program (10.55.905, ARM) and all of the minimum requirements for graduation from Great Falls Public Schools. Students shall work with their high school guidance counselors, teachers and parents to determine which option best meets their individual needs. For more details, visit the Differentiated Diploma page.