Web 2.0 Tools
These webpages list all currently approved Web 2.0 tools, along with information regarding age limits/requirements, parent permission requirements (if applicable), logins, etc. Tools are categorized by purpose, but are not limited to any given purpose as many tools have universal applications across subject areas.
If you have a new software application or Web 2.0 tool you would like to be reviewed, use this form to submit your request. Jeff Williams, GFPS IT Director, will contact you via email with an approval or denial for its use, based on a review of the system requirements, terms of use, and privacy policy. If approved, the new tool will be added to the pages linked above.
Web 2.0 Parent Permission Slip
Some Web 2.0 tools require parent permission, as determined by a site's terms of use and/or privacy policy. If the tool you want to use requires parent permission, use this document. Once you have logged in to Google Drive, you can click File > Make a copy. Then you can customize any text that is bold, italicized, and underlined. Each site requiring parent permission must be listed on the permission slip.