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ECS Identification Criteria

Students with advanced abilities differ from one another in many ways. Some are high achievers, some are underachievers, some have advanced abilities in one area or many, some  are creative thinkers, and yet others have learning disabilities. Students with advanced abilities are found in different cultures, socioeconomic backgrounds, and of course both genders. For the above reasons, Great Falls Public Schools has adopted a multi-dimensional identification process.

Some of the following criteria are required to demonstrate a need for Extended Curriculum Services

* F-TAB observation scores averaging 5-6

* Markedly greater abilities than age level peers as noted by classroom observations, High Standardized Testing Scores, Classroom Performance, etc

* MAP scores in the 95th-99th percentiles for the grade

* Cognitive ability assessment verbal or non-verbal subtests scores of 95th percentile or above, or cumulative score of 95th percentile and above