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Buildings and Grounds

The Buildings and Grounds Department consists of:

94 Building Engineers and Custodians
  8  Grounds Employees
11 Trades Employees (Carpenters, Electricians, Painters, Plumbers)

This staff is responsible for all maintenance and upkeep for the school district’s 29 buildings, parking lots, playgrounds, sidewalks and grass areas which consists of:  (All measures are approximate)

• 1,821,280.00 square feet of building space
• 300 acres of grass
• 80 acres of parking lots and playgrounds
• 26 miles of sidewalks

This equal’s about 156 snowplowing miles during the winter months (traveling miles between schools not included).

Contact Us

Great Falls Public Schools
Buildings and Grounds
2615 Central Ave West
Great Falls, MT 59404

Brent Cutler
Facilities Director

Jack Norris
Asst. Facilities Director

Tammie Ulstad
Administrative Assistant
Fax 406-268-7459